Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The blog is on. Now what? Just getting it going has taken me long enough. I envision putting my art on this site as sort of an online portfolio. Since I have a new body of work going that means I need to take some pics. That is "what." Until then...


  1. An anodyne (Greek αν, loss, and οδυνη, pain: a cause which relieves pain) is a medicine that relieves or soothes pain by lessening the sensitivity of the brain or nervous system. Also called an analgesic (or colloquially a "painkiller").

  2. I have also seen the word used to mean simply "a remedy," but I do like this definition. I feel my image making or other artisan making that I do to be partially about "painkilling."

  3. I hope I got the Google account right so I can be listed as a Follower! Glad you did this, John, and hope to see your work displayed regularly. Love you much!

  4. Thanks for sharing this information.
    I find this information more relavant.so I put my first comment on this blog.

